Forum on Environment: Lynas Advanced Material Plant: Is Radioactive (Waste-Dumping) the Big Questions? - 2 December 2011 at Malaysia Bar Council.
Date: 2 Dec 2011
Time: 7.30pm - 10.00pm
Venue: Malaysia Bar Council.
Official Invitation - (click here).
Part 1
- “Lim Chee Wee: our constitution protects the quality of life and right to live in a conducive environment.
Part 2
Part 3
- “Prof Gurdial Sinful Nijar, lead counsel in baking dam save & ARE case in Bukit Merah, is the first speaker @stoplynascoaltn
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Gurdial: 1. wonders after A.R.E. the govt justified then and now, incredible fallacies; 2. Dealing with large corpn.
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Gurdial: 3. No public consultation even those are going to be the recipient of the pollution.
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Gurdial: 4. Has reformulate to assert beyond protest. Taking inspiration of A.R.E. of multi-pronged, big movement.
- “Prof Gurdial congratulates @stoplynascoaltn movement on their efforts to bring forth the news to the public
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Gurdial: Should hinge on international law of precautionary principles ie in (cont)
- “Prof Gurdial, Precautionary Principle simply says if there's scientific uncertainty, govt must protect the people 1st @stoplynascoaltn
Kai Ping, Lynas LAMP is the biggest rare earth processing plant in the world, 10x of bukit merah, imagine the waste @stoplynascoaltn
#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Hon Kai Ping: 2. Thorium half-life is 14 Billion yrs ie older than the Universe.
#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Hon Kai Ping: 1. We have the biggest rare earth processing plant in the world 22K MT P/A.
#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Hon Kai Ping: as Tun M said, we seems to forget abt A.R.E Bkt Merah.
#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Hon Kai Ping: 2. The is no such thing as safe level of radioation.
Kai Ping, Lynas mount weld, australia, waste retention pond already reported leaking n authorities ordered a new one @stoplynascoaltn

1. Lynas - ONLY 6 of 22 of storage facility semi-permanent facility (internal source) have impermeable lining.
Processing tank leaking at LAMP as NOW.
Processing tank leaking at LAMP as NOW.
How does it effect me as citizen?
As reported on New York Times, (Engineer Fear of Toxic Rerun), June 29 2011.
But the construction and design may have serious flaws, according to the engineers, who also provided memos, e-mail messages and photos from Lynas and its contractors. The engineers said they felt a professional duty to voice their safety concerns, but insisted on anonymity to avoid the risk of becoming industry outcasts.The problems they detail include structural cracks, air pockets and leaks in many of the concrete shells for 70 containment tanks, some of which are larger than double-decker buses. Ore mined deep in the Australian desert and shipped to Malaysia would be mixed with powerful acids to make a slightly radioactive slurry that would be pumped through the tanks, with operating temperatures of about 200 degrees Fahrenheit.The engineers also say that almost all of the steel piping ordered for the plant is made from standard steel, which they describe as not suited for the corrosive, abrasive slurry. Rare earth refineries in other countries make heavy use of costlier stainless steel or steel piping with ceramic or rubber liners.The engineers also say that the concrete tanks were built using conventional concrete, not the much costlier polymer concrete mixed with plastic that is widely used in refineries in the West to reduce the chance of cracks.
Part 4 by Professor Tan Kak Heng, Specialist in Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Part 5.1 by Dr T. Jayabalan, Occupational Health & Safety Specialist
Part 5.2
Part 5.3
Part 6 by Mr. Andanrabu Sura, Badan Bertindak Anti Rare Earth Refinery (BADAR)
- “Dr Jaya, the script of bukit merah ARE is now repeating itself, like an old horror movie @stoplynascoaltn
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Porf Prof Jayabalan: In Japan, rare-earth processing is banned since 1984.
- “Dr Jaya, radons from the radioactive materials will managed to escaped, as proven in court during the ARE case @stoplynascoaltn
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Porf Prof Jayabalan: Rare earth is not radioaiactive but the waste from the extraction of rare-earth.
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Dr Jayabalan : ARE clean-up only in the factory site and the temperary storage site.
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Porf Prof Jayabalan: Processing is very ancient chemical extraction process.
- “Dr Jaya concluded w that we shld Eliminate the threat tat harms the people, eliminate the current federal govt @stoplynascoaltn
Part 6 by Mr. Andanrabu Sura, Badan Bertindak Anti Rare Earth Refinery (BADAR)
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Tuan Andansura Rabu (BADAR) on his experience fighting this issue, who stays 2.5 km from the plant.
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Tuan Andansura Rabu (BADAR): Main steam media blacked-out though all my interviews covered by Mandarin media.
- “#stopLynas #ForumLAMP Tuan Andansura Rabu (BADAR): Though objections started earlier but after early 2011 Fukushima interest gained.
- “En Andansura, local resident movement walked to parliament & aus embassy, memo to Pahang MB, thnks to fukushima, it became national issue
- “En Andansur,Lynas giving out scholarships to local youths, send groups into kampung telling Lynas is good, intimidation to those who opposes
- “En Andansura is now spied & followed 24/7 by the thugs from Lynas, very SB like, he stressed the fight must continue with court action
If you interested to join the cause on why should we stop lynas - go to
1. Adrian Yeo,
2. Pahang Consumer Assosiation,
3. Stop Lynas Coalition (SLC) ,
4. Green Party of Malaysia,
1. Adrian Yeo,
2. Pahang Consumer Assosiation,
3. Stop Lynas Coalition (SLC) ,
4. Green Party of Malaysia,
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